Jun 17

I love books. I have my faithful ereader that I’m always reading on. I buy the books online, and I only read in English. I also only read gay romance. Yes, I like to read about to men getting it on and falling in love. There’s just something about it…

I don’t do women in fiction. They annoy me to no end and I’d prefer it fine if there weren’t any women in fiction at all.

This book I’m reading now, is the third in a series. A really good series. I’ve liked all of ZAM’s contemporary gay romances. She’s an amazing author.

The first two books were amazing. The third was good too, but I thought it ended to quickly. I’d like to see what happened after they got together as well. Maybe ZAM will write a second book about these two?

And a book for Dan and Cam too! I totally need to read their story. Because there so is one.

Anyway, if you like to read, I highly recommend Z. A. Maxfield and her contemporary novels. She’s amazing!

Så hvis du liker å lese, les denne serien! Les alle ZAM’s bøker. De er bare så amazing.

Jun 17

What to do?

The design has been done. I’ve been playing a bit with it, and I got to say I quite like it now. Might not in the future, but for now it’s fine.

Writing the first post of a blog is scary. Really scary. What am I going to write? Nothing interesting, that’s for sure.

The good subjects is not for a blog’s first post. Not that I have much good to write. My life is boring. My thoughts and feelings… not so. So that’s probably what you’ll hear about the most. ‘Cause I don’t have a social life – everything goes on in my head.

But I do like to write, so I think it’s time to get a hang of this blogging thing.

And with that I’m concluding this post. Because who reads a blog’s first post anyway, right?